Ogun State, Nigeria

Who Are We?

AFG aims at providing school children with an affordable Study Light that’s clean, bright, eco-friendly, safe, efficient and gives kids the opportunity to transform their grades for a brighter and better future. The Foundation also install solar LED Lighting solutions in remote schools, Hostel, Healthcare and rural homes to reduce indoor pollution as a better replacement for Kerosene, candle and generator light.

According to SDG Goal 13 we must take urgent action to combat climate change and reduce both indoor and outdoor pollution in other to curtail the undeniable threat to our entire civilization. Take one step to make a change, mitigate carbon emission and save a child’s life today.

Our Campaigns

AGF N100 Million Renewable Energy Fund

AGF Launches N100 Million Renewable Energy Fund, supported by Asteven Group. Exclusive Opportunity for Asteven Energy Institute, AEI Alumni. The fund is to support innovative renewable energy projects.

Kick Out Kerosene

All Villages use traditionally - made kerosene lamps, which serve as a poor source of lighting, and these lamps emit toxic black carbon, eating up to 20% of family's income and are extremely hazardous to human health.

One Child, One Lamp

Africa is the darkest continent as millions of African villages have no access to electricity. Without electricity families have no clean source of light, leaving millions to rely on wood fuel and dangerous alternatives.

Light Up Naija Campaign

Serving the public interest by helping to build strong, clean energy economy Operation kick out toxic Kerosene and candle light out of rural villages.

Hope Out of Energy Poverty

The hope of clean source of Lighting is a reality with AS Foundation, touching and changing lives in the rural regions of Africa countries. All projects we embarked on is to help humanity out of energy poverty and to fight climate change in line with United Nation SDGs.


Projects Completed



People Impacted


Total Amount Spent


Total Volunteers