Ogun State, Nigeria

Your donation to AS Foundation bring hope of clean lighting to poor homes, helps youth get green jobs, education, funding CSR projects, reduces emission and pollution, makes homes more energy efficient, and tackles the challenges of climate change. We deeply appreciate your support and promise to put it to good use.

More than 90% of those living without electricity are in sub-Saharan Africa and they are predominantly in rural areas (around 80% of the world total). While still far from complete, progress in providing electrification in urban areas has outpaced that in rural areas two to one since 2000. This has been our driving edge in CSR projects in Africa helping to reduce the energy poverty in Nigeria and Africa.

We believe access to clean energy is a key to unlocking the energy poverty trap in Africa. Millions in Africa live without electric light and face a variety of education, health, medical, and other challenges. We invite you to join us in "bringing millions out of darkness".

Our Charity Projects

Through donation of solar lanterns, solar street light, garden light and smart plug and play system AS Foundation has continued to address social issues in West and Central Africa without access to electricity. See the info-graphics to learn about our actions till present.

  • Solar Lantern Projects

    Throughout the years, AS Foundation and her team of partners has sensitized millions of schools, Pupils across Nigeria the switch from kerosene lamp to solar reading light and education.

    The foundation has provided hundreds of thousands of solar lanterns for kids in Nigeria rural and urban schools center’s as a replacement for candles and kerosene lamp.

  • Solar Street - light Project

    Tackling off-grid issues in urban cities and rural region in Nigeria, the foundation has help millions of individuals, communities, schools, worship centers, institutions and government facilities to go green with our all in one solar street lightings.

  • Smart Plug and Play Projects

    Under the CSR initiative programs bringing millions out of darkness, the foundation has donated hundreds of smart plug and play units for remote home, farmers, traders, restaurants and shop owner in urban and rural regions of Africa.

  • Education Projects

    Since 2012 till date, the foundation has sponsored scholarship to a group of youths seeking admission into Nigeria Universities.

    The Foundation has conducted educational campaigns, seminars, training and workshop for schools, organizations, trade fairs and all external agents via various center across Nigeria, West and Central Africa.